Track Captain’s information day Sydney Motorsport Park

Track Captain’s information day Sydney Motorsport Park

The track faithful gathered at the control tower at SMP with John Stokes to experience a live track day including driver information, car preparation and track work.

They came from near and far including Baden from Blaney!

We watched the cars go through the Marshall’s check and then onto the track for time trials.

The variety of cars was astounding, from vintage to modern,  registered and not.

We wandered along pit lane and visited drivers preparing their vehicles and then joined John in his bay with the racing Triumph bring prepared for the track (see article and photos below).

After a very informative review of the aspects of his racing car it was time to watch John on the track.

We retreated to the coffee lounge and warmed up and watched the fast track work, including a team of modern Lotus drivers.

Unfortunately John blew a hose and so we retreat back to pit lane to review the damage.

After a successful morning we headed to Penrith Rowers Club for lunch and a debrief.

A good day had by all. If you are interested in track work contact our Track Captain John Stokes (0433 826 880).

Article in Triumph magazine.