Maserati Run to Akuna Bay

Maserati Run to Akuna Bay

We mustered at Milsons Point for coffee and a chat before running the Pacific Highway up to Akuna Bay.
With last minute changes we were 8 for lunch which is a great size group for conversation.
Akuna Bay was still and calm and the weather perfect for lunch by the water.
The marina was brimming with boats of all sizes providing an interesting stroll before lunch. It turned out Joshua was a regular, fishing in the local waters.
Once again the ladies, Beatrice, Maria, Janice and Charlotte decided to claim one end of the table for some serious chat. The gentlemen, Sam, Colin, Joshua and David knew their place at the other end.
Despite the advertised Sunday Roast all members ordered seafood, the meals were a good size and well presented.
After a long lunch and much conversation we said our goodbyes and hit the winding road out of the gorge for our various trips home.
The only sting on the day was the $12 parking charge and the 15% Sunday surcharge, ouch!